The is the first universal index for three-dimensional content on the web. is a collection of 3D models from sources such as the Smithsoinan, the Google Dataset, the Protein Databank, Thingiverse, Fusion360, Princeton Shape Benchmark, PASCAL3D and more. What is different is that, on, the content becomes highly searchable due to the search and classification algorithms powered by iSEEK's CADseek geometric search technology. The result is a universal index for shape content across languages and content types without any restriction on the type of shapes that can be included.
Protein molecules at the National Protein Databank
Catalog data
3D laser scanned bone collection at the Smithsonian Institute
The has been initially populated with content found by iSEEK Corporation's web crawler, CADseek Phoenix. When 3D content is found, a geometric fingerprint and thumbnail image is produced, and sent to 3DSI. This means that 3DSI does not host the 3D data, but instead hosts only the fingerprints that make the content searchable.
iSEEK envisions a future where the 3DShapeIndex includes not only public data, but also commercial channels, allowing organizations a place to create a public or private searchable index of their 3D data for such purposes as 3D printing of replacement parts. Click the logo below to visit the website.
Please use the form below to contact the iSEEK team if you are interested in more information about the 3DShapeIndex.