Use Cases for Shape-based Search & Anayltics
Engineering -- Supply Chain -- Manufacturing -- Service Parts -- IT
Form Follows Function
A part’s shape is not only synonymous with its function … but is also highly correlated with it’s price, manufacturing process and performance.
This means that the ability to capture and compare a part’s shape allows that information to be used in a wide variety of meaningful ways such as search for reusable designs, or analytics to discover unwarranted price variances.
Part Reuse
Reusing an existing part can save from $5,000 to $50,000 ... but reuse opportunities are often missed because too often it is easier to start the process from scratch rather than search the existing design database.
Enter Search Text below
In a text-based search it is typical that only a few designs are found due to attribute errors or language. But with shape-search, any item found can be used as search target for a shape based search.

Shape Search
Since every design has shape, no design can hide from a CADseek search, ending the reliance on attributes for part search and classification. As a result, CADseek search results are both comprehensive and clutter-free.
Task Efficiency from Knowledge Reuse
Many mundane tasks are started from scratch, which wastes time and often creates less desirable results than what can be gained from accessing the effort, experience and knowledge that is embedded in existing designs.
Cost Estimation

New Design
Shape Search

The first match (item #2) is 99.8% similar to the new design, and has the same material, tolerance and same surface finish, making it's cost of $135.94 a very accurate basis for a cost estimation for the new design.
Design Reuse
When part reuse is not possible, starting the design process using the design file of an existing similar part saves a tremendous amount of design time, and allows designers to benefit from organizational experience and knowledge.

Shape Search
Quick sketch of desired design

Existing design found using shape-search

Design modified in a fraction of the time compared to completing a new design from scratch
Other Task Efficiency
Use Cases
There are numerous other use cases in engineering and manufacturing, where accessing data or plans can provide significant task efficiency.
Testing plan reuse
Manufacturing plan reuse
Tool-path programming reuse
Warranty performance
Part performance metrics
CADseek Analytics is an analysis and reporting application which analyzes an entire CAD database. Shape is used to either find duplication ... or to analyze metrics that are correlated with shape, such as price, manufacturing process, supplier, and much more.

One-by-one, each design that meets filter criteria is compared to all other items in the database that meet the same or different filter criteria.
User-defined similarity level, e.g., Report all designs with greater than 77% shape similarity.
Unlimited filters for attribute values such as material, supplier, division, etc.
Reporting by dataset rather than entire database, e.g., Report all designs in 'Supplier' dataset ...
Comparison of datasets; e.g., Report all designs in 'Division A' dataset made of material SS103 to all designs in 'Division B' dataset made of SS103.
Ability to set different search criteria for search target versus matches; e.g.: Report all designs made by Supplier 1 and a cost of greater than $50.00 to all designs with 95% or greater similarity for Supplier 2 with a cost of greater than $50.00.
Use Cases
Consolidation: Identification of duplicate and near duplicate designs for evaluation of consolidation
Standardization Studies
Variance Discovery: the discovery of highly similar designs with unwarranted variance in cost or performance
Attribute error corrections: e.g.: For all items with a description field that contains the term "rotor" with all matches having 70% or greater similarity where the description field does not contain the term "rotor."
Data migration
Mergers and Acquisitions: find duplication and functional duplication in acquired parts databases.
Part Reuse
Reusing existing purchased parts reduces the time and effort expended on RFP processes.
Enter Search Text below
Only a few designs are found due to attribute errors or language.

Shape Search
Using shape-search allows dozens of useful existing designs to be found because shape-search ends the reliance on attributes, which are notoriously unreliable, makings searches comprehensive.
Task Efficiency from Knowledge Reuse
Many supply chain tasks can be made more efficient by being able to access the data of similar designs.

Shape Search
New Design

Supplier Selection
It is logical that when a business is already purchasing a part that is 94.8% similar to a new design, that the supplier of that similar part is logically a well qualified potential supplier for the new part ... as is any other supplier already making a similar part. Their ability to make a similar part means they can handle the material, tolerance and finish (which can all be used as filters during the shape search).
Identifying these similar parts also allows purchasing agents to quickly get access to on-time delivery and other supplier performance metrics.
Price Validation
Knowing the price that is being paid for a highly similar design provides purchasing agents with a negotiating advantage.
In time-critical supply situations a customer may be willing to accept a part with a different surface finish, or one that is so similar that with a small modification can be become a substitute for the desired service part. Shape-search can easily find these highly similar designs.
The iDentify application can be used to identify orphaned parts in manufacturing, distribution or for service parts.
The Polaris application can import 3D laser scan data to identify service parts or to cross-match parts with the potential for substitution.
Supply Chain Analytics
CADseek Analytics is an analysis and reporting application which analyzes an entire CAD database. Shape is used to either find duplication ... or to analyze metrics that are correlated with shape, such as price, manufacturing process, supplier, and much more.

One-by-one, each design that meets filter criteria is compared to all other items in the database that meet the same or different filter criteria.
User-defined similarity level, e.g., Report all designs with greater than 77% shape similarity.
Unlimited filters for attribute values such as material, supplier, division, etc.
Reporting by dataset rather than entire database, e.g., Report all designs in 'Supplier' dataset ...
Comparison of datasets; e.g., Report all designs in 'Division A' dataset made of material SS103 to all designs in 'Division B' dataset made of SS103.
Ability to set different search criteria for search target versus matches; e.g.: Report all designs made by Supplier 1 and a cost of greater than $50.00 to all designs with 95% or greater similarity for Supplier 2 with a cost of greater than $50.00.
Use Cases
Consolidation: Identification of duplicate and near duplicate designs for evaluation of consolidation
Standardization Studies
Variance Discovery: (see graphic below) the discovery of highly similar designs with unwarranted variance in cost or performance
Attribute error corrections: e.g.: For all items with a description field that contains the term "rotor" with all matches having 70% or greater similarity where the description field does not contain the term "rotor."
Data migration
Mergers and Acquisitions: find duplication and functional duplication in acquired parts databases.
A key use case for Supply Chain is the discovery of unwarranted price or performance variances. Analytics reports identify situations where there is high shape similarity, but lower than expected price similarity. Filters can be used to control for material type, surface finish, tolerance or other factors of interest.

Use Cases Across the Enterprise
Supply Chain
Engineering & Engineering IT
Manufacturing & Distribution
Customer & Field Services
Model reuse
Part reuse
Knowledge reuse
Should-cost estimation
Part reuse
Price validation
RFQ selection
Cost or performance variance discovery
Task assignment
Monitoring part reuse
Data migration
Data clean-up
Merger analysis
Estimations or Quotations
Fully automated quotations
Match scan of generic part to OEM catalog
Tool path reuse
Fixture design reuse
Identification of orphaned inventory
File retrieval for 3D printing
File retrieval for 3D printing
Match scan of generic part to OEM catalog