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The 'Big Picture'

for Engineering Data

​In engineering, a part's geometry isn't just highly correlated with part function, but also with business and performance metrics like cost, manufacturing process and part performance.  

CADseek Analytics fully automates the process of geometric comparison across entire datasets to identify opportunities for efficiency.  

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 CADseek Analytics is a shape=based classification tool which finds, organizes and reports all of the data in the CAD repository by geometric shape.  One-by-one, Analytics finds all similar models with unlimited filtering and slicing opportunities. For example: 

Report all parts with supplier ACME vs. all parts with supplier PartCo where similarity is greater than 80% and material type is S1.  

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In the example above, Analytics was used to find two highly similar parts (99.3%), made of the same material, with a significant price variance.  Curing the variance eliminates $78,197 of annual expense, and $390,985 of expense over a five-year part life.  

Each page of an Analytics report shows one-by-one every item that met the report criteria in the left hand column, and in the right hand column, every match that meets the user-defined similarity threshold that the user set for the report, e.g., 

Report all parts with file name containing SLD with greater than 75% similarity.  

Use Cases: 

Consolidation & Standardization

An Analytics reports groups models by a user defined level of similarity, providing a road map for eliminating duplication and discovering opportunities for standardization.    ​


Price Variance Discovery

Data Cleanup 

Analytics can compare one dataset to another, allowing duplication and opportunities for standardization to be discovered.  

Often supplier parts are purchased from multiple vendors at different prices, but sometimes at too great a difference to be justified.

Analytics can be used to find models that lack standard attributes.  

Performance Variance Discovery

CADseek allows meta-data from any source, so analysis can be run on performance metrics such as warranty or service life to find where parts with highly similar designs differ in performance.  

Pilot Study: 

Discovery of Unwarranted Price Variances

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