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CADseek - The Google of CAD.png

A Proven Technology

CADseek was the first and is still the only shape-search technology that utilizes a model or assembly's entire geometry including surfacing and all form features for search and analysis.


CADseek is a vector database and search platform for 3-Dimensional shape. A CAD model or a 3D scanner output is used to retrieve identical or similar shapes without the need for tagging, labeling, or training.

"Yet most engineering departments are still limited to out-of-date parametric search tools that produce either thousands of hits, or no hits at all.     

A typical part search would turn up as many as 2,000 hits, forcing frustrated engineers to simply design new parts from scratch."

Accelerating Innovation with New Data Strategies,

All Models Have Shape

Since all models have shape, no model can be invisible to a search or classification simply because of a forgotten, misspelled or foreign language text descriptor, or because its parameters fall outside an arbitrary parametric range.   

CADSEEK Technology Benefits



The use of a model's full geometry allows CADseek to produce search results that are simultaneously comprehensive and without clutter. CADseek encodes search signatures at the full resolution of CAD.  



CADseek's greatest strength is its ability to not only see similarity as size and features change, but to also accurately score the degree of geometric similarity.  This capability is a tremendous benefit for usability and critical for geometry-based analytics.  



A common use case for shape-search is using a new model, perhaps one received from a customer or supplier, as a search target to search the CAD library for existing similar designs.  CADseek's numerical signatures provide this real-time, on-the-fly search capability, producing search results in just a few seconds.  



CADseek has demonstrated its ability to maintain sub 2 second response in multi-million item libraries.  



CADseek is not a learning algorithm but instead works on any 3-dimensional geometry including small standard parts, large mechanical assemblies, tiny protein models and animation characters, all without any customization required.


CADseek also can encode all types of native CAD (both models and assemblies), neutral and derivative formats such as STEP, IGES or STL, and even 3D laser scans.  



The process of encoding a CAD library to create the shape-search index is fully automated with no human requirement for sorting or tagging.  

Updating processes to add newly created models to the search index are also fully automated and can occur at daily, weekly or monthly frequency depending on the needs of the business.  



CADseek encodes CAD models and other digital 3D geometries into a purely numerical signature. This not only provides speed, scalability and real-time capabilities, but also security because the transformation is irreversible to the shape of the original geometry, even by iSEEK personnel.  While most deployments will place the CADseek search index within the company firewall, cloud deployments are aided by this security feature.  

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